Vestiboutique, second hand clothing interior design
The Belgian Red Cross is selling second hand clothing through a range of shops which they call “Vestiboutique”. These shops receive the clothing from people’s gifts and they will sell most of the items for a price below 10€.
People will also drop by to have a chat or drink a cup of coffee with the volunteers responsible for the shops.
But the Vestiboutique’s didn’t have any defined identity and we were mandated to create the interior design concept for the shops. All existing shops had different styles and sizes, and we had to find a very flexible solution that would be easy to implement at a very low cost.
After spending some time with shop managers and understanding their needs we came up with a solution that would maximize the available space of the store and would leave enough flexibility. This was needed because you never know what kind of clothing you would receive the next day. Will it be a short or long dress, summer or winter clothing, …?
For the graphical concept we wanted the store to be like every clothing store, an attractive place where you can spent some time trying out some clothes. And without have the feeling it is a Red Cross shop.
So we decided that the Red Cross reference would only be suggested in the wardrobe rack connections for which we used red painted aluminum connectors.

All lot of the building material was handmade by our team (wardrobes racks, floor baskets, window racks) and some other stuff was bought at Ikea.
Everything was made easy to duplicate as we had to refurbish other shops.
And with our retail team we did all the electricity, lighting and painting work of the shops.

The new shops became clearly more attractive increasing sales volume with at least 20% per shop.

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